Saturday 17 March 2012

Seed Savers Busy Bee @ The Community Garden

The plot on the 3rd of March 2012 prior to our Busy Bee.
Our first Busy Bee for our Seed Savers plot at the Community Garden was a success. It was largely a matter of un-masking the hidden materials under lots and lots and lots of dry garden waste and dead grass. Clearing as much of the area back so that we have a clean area to work with when it comes to planning the garden layout. Much pruning, raking, bagging of rubbish and generally just working out what was lying amongst the dirt and hidden under all the grass and overgrown garden plots.
Before we knew it, it was time for morning tea. Ciabatta with cheese and jam and relish, banana cake and ...

Pink pomelo fruit that Lorna had brought to share. Lovely!

A break from the work and the heat of the morning. Then back into it. At the end of it all we had one extremely large pile of dry matter and a bit more of a clearer area - with much of the disintegrating carpet underlay, perishing black plastic and carpet removed from the ground. Thanks to all who came and gave of their time and tools. For those that missed out there will be a date set for the next phase soon. Hope to see you there as we begin to document the evolution of our plot.     

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